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International Clown Week is the first week in August, every year since 1971.
International Clown Week is celebrated each year during the week of August 1-7.
A light bulb is a device that produces light from electricity.
International Moment of Laughter Day is a special day that will put a big smile on your face.
National Humor Month was conceived as a means to heighten public awareness of the therapeutic value of humor.
A smile is the best perk for the day and the easiest way to spread.
In meteorology, a cloud is an aerosol comprising a visible mass of minute liquid droplets, frozen crystals, or particles suspended in the atmospher...
I can't spell F-U-N without "U"
Eggplant or aubergine is a species of nightshade grown for its edible fruit.
Birthday Bear wants everybody to have happy birthdays. He is deep yellow with a cupcake as his symbol.
Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea.