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The Heightened Speed rune, or simply known as the Speed rune, is a Mark that enables the wearer to move at great speed when required, in any enviro...
The Soundless rune is a short-lived rune that allows a Shadowhunter to move about soundlessly as required to avoid detection.
DNA strand.
The Force Is Strong
In addition to being the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet, sigma also means 'sum' and 'deviation' in themathematics world.
Proto Man, known in Japan as Blues, is a fictional character from Capcom's Mega Man video game series.
If one breaks their promise to stand by the truth, the rune is cut in half by magic.
The plus sign is written as a cross of horizontal and vertical lines: + The plus sign indicates addition operation of 2 numbers or expressions.
Owlette, with her sharp mind and super planning skills she's quick to act. - She can fly, has super eyesight and when she flaps her powerful wings,...