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Inspired by Gardenia's Bonjour Bread
A cinnamon roll is a sweet roll served commonly in Northern Europe and North America.
National Bagel Day (formerly Bagel and Lox Day) is observed annually on February 9th. Bagels are one of the few breads that are boiled then baked.
Sandwich, in its basic form, slices of meat, cheese, or other food placed between two slices of bread.
A sandwich is a food typically consisting of vegetables, sliced cheese or meat, placed on or between slices of bread, or more generally any dish wh...
A croissant is a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry of Austrian origin, named for its historical crescent shape.
Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking.
A bun is a small, sometimes sweet, bread, or bread roll. Though they come in many shapes and sizes, they are most commonly hand-sized or smaller, w...
Toast is sliced bread that has been browned by exposure to radiant heat.
A croissant is a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry named for its crescent shape.
A muffin is an individual-sized, baked quick bread product.
Cake is a form of sweet dessert that is typically baked.