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As the name suggests, Pilot droids drive vessels throughout space.
Jawas were a sentient species of meter-tall humanoids native to the Outer Rim desert world of Tatooine.
The orange jumpsuit was a symbol of unity among Rebels and great at hiding orange juice stains.
R5-D4 is a standard astromech droid, used for the maintenance and repair of starships and as an interface between computers and humans.
Whether as gambler, rogue or businessman, Lando Calrissian preferred to avoid Imperial entanglements.
Freyyr has a shaky past. He was exiled to the Lower Shadowlands after attacking his son, Chuundar.
Willy is a chubby little Ewok. He is teased by his brothers for being clumsy and for his lack of courage.
Leia Organa was a Force-sensitive human female who served as princess of Alderaan, a member of the Imperial Senate, a leader in the Alliance to Res...
Wilhuff Tarkin began his career in the military and is now a powerful politician serving Emperor Palpatine.