<style type="text/css"><!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--></style><span style="font-size: 100%; font-family: Arial; color: #000000;" data-sheets-value='{"1":2,"2":"American Samoa is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Samoa. It consists of five main islands and two coral atolls. "}' data-sheets-userformat='{"2":15107,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16777215},"11":4,"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":0},"15":"Arial","16":10}'>American Samoa is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Samoa. It consists of five main islands and two coral atolls. </span>